Monthly or One Time Donation

The Canal Winchester Area Historical Society (CWAHS) has established two endowment funds with the Fairfield County Foundation. One fund is for the Canal Winchester Area Historical Society Complex and the other is for the National Barber Museum. The purpose of the funds is to maintain the operation of the Historical Society Complex and the Barber Museum. The funds are established with the understanding and condition that the funds are to be held and invested by the Fairfield County Foundation, and that only the income generated by the funds may be used by the Society. Disbursements must be approved by a majority vote of the CWAHS Board of Trustees. The Fairfield County Foundation will invest and manage the funds.

On April 25, 2007, the Canal Winchester Area Historical Society acquired the Ed Jeffers Barber Museum (now the National Barber Museum) so that it would remain intact and in Canal Winchester. It is the only museum of its kinds in the world -- dedicated solely to the barbering profession. The museum, as is true for all museums, has ongoing expenses and is always in need of volunteer and financial help. The National Barber Museum Endowment Fund is one way to help ensure the financial support of the Barber Museum.

The Canal Winchester Area Historical Society's main complex consists of a one-room school, a railroad depot, and a grain elevator. The complex also has ongoing expenses. The Canal Winchester Area Historical Society Endowment Fund has been established to ensure the future of the CWAHS Complex.

All donations are tax deductible and the Fairfield County Foundation will acknowledge any donations to either fund. They will notify the CWAHS of the names of donors (but not individual donation amounts), and the Foundation will prepare any needed federal forms. You may send your donation to: The Fairfield County Foundation, 162 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 159, Lancaster, OH 43130. Please designate whether your gift is for the Canal Winchester Area Historical Society Endowment Fund or the National Barber Museum Endowment Fund.

The gift may be a memorial or honorarium and will be acknowledged as such. If the gift is to be a memorial, please include the name(s) of the person(s) being memorialized and the name and address of the next of kin. If the gift is an honorarium, please include the name and address of the honoree(s). Also include your name, address and telephone number (phone number optional).

By making a tax deductible contribution to either (or both) endowment fund, you are helping to preserve the history of Canal Winchester and the future of the Canal Winchester Area Historical Society.